The Dutch have created an expression in the past weeks of social distancing and quarantine.  It is "Skin Hunger"; the longing to get a hug, touch someone, kiss.  We had our own version of that before the Covid 19 Virus began its march across the planet.  

With 3815 miles between our homes we had a great time from January 2019 through February of 2020 meeting for a few days or weeks at a time.  Each event we called a date; six so far, the shortest 5 days, the longest 31 days

When not together we video chat daily. Now, after Easter, Jan was planning a two-week visit with Maggie in Delaware, Date #7.  But it's not happening.  Our imaginations fill in.

Skin Hunger 
Skin hunger..
Breathe it in.
Find a place
To put this sting.
I’ll catch a plane 
Find your house
Sneak in quiet
As a mouse
Gently up the
Stairs I’ll climb
Turn to the right
You’re bed I’ll find
And snuggle up
You’ll think you’re mad
To feel me there
And yearn so bad
To touch my heart 
Or feel my breast
No better way to
Beat this pest.
To your surprise
I’m real you’ll find
Dreams do come true
Of every kind
You turn
We hug
We’ve beat it now.. 
This Covid bug.
The night is young
Good times are back
Skin hunger gladly 
Now off track. 

by Maggie for Jan 04-25-2020


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