Greek food is so good you always hear.  

First on the list was me asking Jan if there was anything I could bring from the States.  Bourbon he quickly replied.  It is hard to find in Europe.  I wanted it to be special and surprisingly found this 12-year-old, highly rated, bottle at the local liquor store in Longneck, DE. He didn’t open the bottle in Greece. He would look at it affectionately but saved it until he returned to the Netherlands. He poured himself a glass of Oozo each evening. Naturally, it's Greek!

Restaurants had just opened a few days before Maggie’s arrival, for outdoor service only.  There was a place called Ins Angious steps from our apartment.  The food was Greek, good and economical.  In fact, a main dish of fresh greens, meat and potatoes was 3 euros ($3.53).  Add wine or beer and maybe even an appetizer and the meal was 5 -6 Euros per person.  Way easier and cheaper than cooking.  We quickly became regulars.  

Street cats are common in Greece.  There were a couple that loved to hang out at the Ins Angious nightly.  They would look at us longingly for a treat from our plates and we always obliged.  It became a ritual.  Little bits of meat trimmed and dropped close by.  The circle of life. Greek style!


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